We are Narcotics Anonymous in the United Kingdom & Channel Islands. If you have a problem with drugs, we are recovering drug addicts who can help you get and stay clean. Need Help?If you have a problem with drugs, you've come to a good place. Find out how we can help. Find a MeetingFind a face-to-face or an online meeting anywhere in the UK. For our MembersFind out how to change meeting details and how to be of service. Literature & MoreOrder literature, keepsakes and gifts. For the PublicFind out who we are and what we do for recovering addicts. For ProfessionalsSee what we are, what we do and how that helps people with a drug problem stay clean. EventsFind out what, where and when recovery events are happening. Audio SharesDownload experience, strength and hope shares that you can listen to when it suits you. ConventionFind out information about our UK Convention. Contact UsSee how to get in touch with committees and services in NA.